1860 U. S. Census of Bosque County
Column Headings
ED Locations
Data Summary
Census Main Page (All Years)
1860 Census Column Headings
Column 1 - Dwelling-houses numbered in the order of visitationColumn 2 - Families numbered in the order of visitation
Column 3 - The name of every person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June, 1860, was in this family
Column 4 - Age
Column 5 - Sex
Column 6 - Color (white, black, mulatto)
Column 7 - Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male and female, over 15 years of age
Column 8 - Value of Real Estate
Column 9 - Value of Personal Estate
Column 10 - Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or Country
Column 11 - Married within the year
Column 12 - Attended School within the year
Column 13 - Persons over 20 years of age who cannot read & write
Column 14 - Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
1860 Census Enumeration Districts
The 1860 census did not have enumeration districts. Instead there was a place on each census page to show the nearest Post Office. The 1860 census had locations for Clifton, Meridian, Norman Hill, Flag Pond, and Cyrus. On a number of pages, the Post Office originally indicated had been crossed out and another written afterwards. The following Post Office locations should be used as a guide only. It is quite likely that there was considerable overlap from the preceding and subsequent page.
Post Office | Census Pages |
Clifton | 32A-33A |
Norman Hill | 33B-34B |
Clifton | 35A-36A |
Meridian | 36B-37A |
Clifton | 37B |
Meridian | 38A-39A |
Clifton | 39B |
Flag Pond | 40A-41B |
Clifton | 42A-42B |
Norman Hill | 43A |
Clifton | 43B-45B |
none given | 46A |
Cyrus | 46B-48A |
Clifton | 48B |
Meridian | 49A-51A |
Clifton | 51B |
Meridian | 52A |
Clifton | 52B |
Meridian | 53A |
1860 Census Data Summary
General Population Characteristics | |
Total Population | 2005 |
Free Population | 1712 |
Slave Population | 293 |
Total Number of Males | 1,054 |
Total Number of Females | 951 |
Number of Native-Born White Persons | 1624 |
Number of Foreign-Born White Persons | 88 |
Number of White Males | 916 |
Number of White Females | 796 |
Number of Male Slaves | 138 |
Number of Female Slaves | 155 |
Number of Slave Holders | 51 |
Total Number of Families | 313 |
Agriculture | |
Total Number of Farms | 85 |
Number of Acres of Improved Land in Farms | 4,953 |
Number of Acres of Unimproved Land in Farms | 42,546 |
Cash Value of Farms | $156,417 |
Value of Farming Implements and Machinery | $9,801 |
Value of Livestock | $226,260 |
Value of Orchard Products | $0 |
Value of Market Garden Products | $0 |
Value of Homemade Manufactures | $616 |
Value of Animals Slaughtered | $9,258 |
Number of Farms 3-9 acres | 4 |
Number of Farms 10-19 acres | 14 |
Number of Farms 20-49 acres | 35 |
Number of Farms 50-99 acres | 18 |
Number of Farms 100-499 acres | 14 |
Number of Farms >499 acres | 0 |
Land Value | |
Value of Real Estate | $287,360 |
Value of Personal Property | $743,811 |