1930 U. S. Census of Bosque County
Column Headings
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Data Summary
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1930 Census Column Headings
The 1930 census asked 32 questions about each person:
Place of AbodeName1. Street, avenue, road, etc. 2. House number (in cities or towns) 3. Number of dwelling house in order of visitation [this number supplied by census taker]. 4. Number of family in order of visitation [this number supplied by census taker].Relation5. Name of each person whose place of abode on April 1, 1930, was in this family.Home Data6. Relationship of this person to the head of the family.Personal Description7. Home owned or rented. 8. Value of home, if owned, or monthly rental, if rented. 9. Radio set. 10. Does this family live on a farm?Education11. Sex. 12. Color or race [White (W), Negro (Neg), Mexican (Mex), Indian (In), Chinese (Ch), Japanese (Jp), Filipino (Fil), Hindu (Hin), Korean (Kor), other races spelled out in full.] 13. Age at last birthday. 14. Marital condition. [Single (S), married (M), widowed (Wd), divorced (D).] 15. Age at first marriage.
Place of birth16. Attended school or college any time since Sept. 1, 1929. 17. Whether able to read and write.Mother Tongue (or Native Language) of Foreign Born18. Place of birth--PERSON. 19. Place of birth--FATHER. 20. Place of birth--MOTHER.21. Language spoken in home before coming to the United States.
Here follows 3 coding columns labeled A, B, and C and titled "CODE (For office use only. Do not write in these columns)". Columns A, B, and C relate to "State or M.T. [mother tongue]," "Country," and "Nativity.", respectively, and were entered to assist in statistical tabulation only. They do not provide any information beyond that found in columns 18-21.Citizenship, etc.Occupation & Industry22. Year of immigration to the United States. 23. Naturalization. 24. Whether able to speak English.Employment25. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, salesman, riveter, teacher, etc. 26. Industry or business, as cotton mill, dry-goods store, shipyard, public school, etc. 27. Class of worker.Veterans28. Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day)--Yes or No 29. If not, line number on Unemployment Schedule. [Note: Unemployment schedules no longer exist.]Farm Schedule30. Whether a veteran of U.S. military or naval force--Yes or No. 31. What war or expedition? [World War (WW), Spanish-American War (Sp), Civil War (Civ), Philippine Insurrection (Phil), Boxer Rebellion (Box), Mexican Expedition (Mex)].32. Number of farm schedule.