1870 U. S. Census of Bosque County
Column Headings
ED Locations
Data Summary
Census Main Page (All Years)
1870 Census Column Headings
Column 1 - Dwelling-houses numbered in the order of visitationColumn 2 - Families numbered in the order of visitation
Column 3 - The name of every person whose place of abode on the first day of June, 1870, was in this family
Column 4 - Age at last birthday. If under 1 year, give months in fractions thus 3/12
Column 5 - Sex - Males (M), Females (F)
Column 6 - Color - White(W), Black(B), Mulatto(M), Chinese(C), Indian(I)
Column 7 - Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male or female
Column 8 - Value of Real Estate
Column 9 - Value of Personal Estate
Column 10 - Place of Birth, Naming State or Territory of U.S., or the Country if of foreign birth
Column 11 - Father of foreign birth
Column 12 - Mother of foreign birth
Column 13 - If born within the year, state month (Jan, Feb, etc)
Column 14 - If married within the year, state month (Jan, Feb, etc)
Column 15 - Attended school within the year
Column 16 - Cannot read
Column 17 - Cannot write
Column 18 - Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic
Column 19 - Male Citizens of U.S. of 21 years or age and upwards
Column 20 - Male Citizens of U.S. of 21 years or age and upwards, whose right to vote is denied or abridged, on other grounds than rebellion or crime.
1870 Census Enumeration Districts
The 1870 census did not have enumeration districts. Instead there was a place on each census page to show the nearest Post Office. Unfortunately, the enumerator for the 1870 census chose to put Meridian on every page even though there were other Post Office locations in Bosque County.
1870 Census Data Summary
General Population Characteristics | |
Total Population | 4,951 |
Total Number of White Persons | 4453 |
Total Number of Colored Persons | 528 |
Total Number of Males | 2,631 |
Total Number of Females | 2,350 |
Total Number of Native-Born Persons | 4,704 |
Total Number of Foreign-Born Persons | 277 |
Number of Males 5-18 Years of Age | 938 |
Number of Females 5-18 Years of Age | 868 |
Number of Males 18-45 Years of Age | 981 |
Number of Males 21 Years of Age and Over | 1,085 |
Number of Females 21 Years of Age and Over | 1,074 |
Property and Taxation | |
Assessed Valuation of Real and Personal Estate | $767,870 |
True Valuation of Real and Personal Estate | $831 |
Total Non-National Taxation | $3,816 |
Total State Taxation | $2,544 |
Total County Taxation | $1,272 |
Total Town/City Taxation | $0 |
Public Debt by County | $454 |
Public Debt by Towns/Cities | $0 |